Some may assume that the more spells that they cast, the more effective that spells are going to be. There are some spells to make him love you that will work immediately while others may take weeks before you start to see the effects of the spell. Spellcaster and psychic prof mbonya the great will let you know if some spells should be simultaneously done and which love spells should only be done once.Some spells may cancel out each other. This means that even if you think that you are making the spell work stronger because you are casting another spell on top of it, you are making the energies around you complicated. You do not want to complicate things by sending out conflicting messages to the universe. You should stick with one love spell to make someone love you. Make sure to complete it before casting another one if you still need it.The worst thing that can happen when you cast one spell on top of another is you will become attacked by malevolent spirits that you have unknowingly conjured. The more that you know about the spells, the more that you can avoid this possibility. You need to think about your safety before casting a spell to make him love me.